Thursday, September 24, 2009

Inanna - the story links

Last year, in 2008, we were travelling in Australia. We stopped by a book store in Kuranda. It was a women's initiative. We couldn't buy many books because we were travelling lightly. I only bought what I had a feeling for.

I bought this book,

Inanna. Queen of Heaven and Earth. I didn't know why at the time. I wasn't particularly interested in her, actually, I'd never heard of her before. But, something about the carving kept pulling me back. I was sure I had to buy it. I did. Its been sitting in the book shelf since we arrived here.

Today, Albert cleaned up the books lying around. We are still settling in with the furniture. Going slowly. I resorted the books, and Inanna stood before me in all sincerity. Now I have two books beside my computer. Montserrat and Inanna.

Inanna's father is the moon god, Sin/Nanna. (There are many spellings of his name that are so close to Amma, by the way, its impossible to overlook.) And as I was looking for images, I found this one, already made up.  It was as though it was a message, a gift, a treasure.

And look at this - from Judith Shaw

Also, this is a long post on Venus, Inanna's star.

With Love


ordinary sparrow said...

How the pieces fall together. . .when it time. . .it is time. . .

how awesome and precious. ..

Tiffany i have one book on the ancient history of the Divine feminine as it developed in the Western world. . .guess which book i have?


Tiffany said...


I can only smile!

I had such a break through with one of my students. He's transforming. It was such a release. I can't help but wonder if my own block was mirroring his block.

And! The children's class is a great hit. This age - between 8 - 12, respond very well to me. They have such beautiful faces and sweetness of being. Funny how I used to dislike 'children so much!' :)


ordinary sparrow said...

so wonderful this opening Tiffany. . .Hug

Judith said...

HI, my blog directed me to your blog. That little red Inanna book is exactly the one that started me on my journey painting Inanna's story many years ago. I bought it in a similar way - didn't know why but had to have it. I've had the opportunity to see some of the originals in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NY - so exciting. I'm bookmarking your page so I can read more when I have more time. Thanks, Judith shaw

Tiffany at Patheya said...


Lovely! I'd love to talk with you about some of the impressions I've had, and the links with other spiritual paths.

Thanks for the comments and let's hope we talk in the future.